On 28 January every year, the World Day of Action against Global Warming is celebrated, a day also called World Day for CO2 Emissions; designated by the United Nations (UN) with the aim of encouraging society to strengthen the fight against global warming by saving resources.

This is a key day to make decisions for the care of our planet and raise awareness about climate change and the environmental impacts it causes.

There are several causes that continue to cause global warming and that cause it to increase more and more, and although, in recent years, the population has become more aware of this problem, the solutions are still not enough to stop it.

The excessive use of fertilizers, the constant deforestation of forests causing the loss of a wide variety of vegetation, or the use of fuels among many other things are some of the causes of global warming.

At Hersill, we are very committed to the environment and to the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.In 2019, we obtained ISO 14001:2015 certification.

Since then, we have made a commitment to take the necessary measures to help prevent pollution, reduce energy consumption and minimize environmental impacts, aware that climate change is becoming increasingly evident and of the imperative need to minimize the consumption of natural resources.

It is never too late to start collaborating, so we invite you to join the good functioning of our planet.


HERSILL obtains ISO-14 001 – Environmental Management System